Friday, September 27, 2013

World Wide Web

The future of the World Wide Web will be on what is called a Cloud, which is an internet database that can hold anything. I think that Clouds will take over some independent websites that might get overshadowed by the Clouds. Some examples of what a Cloud is are search engines such as Google, AltaVista, and Dogpile. Other examples of a Cloud are downloading websites such as MediaFire and Dropbox.

I think that clouds are a great idea because it is one massive database that is easy to remember. In the article The Windy City Teams with Microsoft on Cloud Strategy, it states: “As part of a new cloud computing strategy, Mayor Rahm Emanuel today announced that the City of Chicago will move 30,000 employees to Microsoft Office 365 for cloud-based e-mail and productivity.” Search engines and search features on websites are also improving. In the article Facebook search: Facebook adding search feature, It says: “Available as a beta or early version to hundreds of thousands of users now, the new feature -- dubbed "graph search" because Facebook refers to its growing content, data and membership as the "social graph" -- will initially let users browse mainly photographs, people, places and members' interests, he added.”

Friday, September 13, 2013

First Post:

This is a blog post created by me for CS100. I think that the class is very nice and shows you a lot so far.