Friday, September 27, 2013

World Wide Web

The future of the World Wide Web will be on what is called a Cloud, which is an internet database that can hold anything. I think that Clouds will take over some independent websites that might get overshadowed by the Clouds. Some examples of what a Cloud is are search engines such as Google, AltaVista, and Dogpile. Other examples of a Cloud are downloading websites such as MediaFire and Dropbox.

I think that clouds are a great idea because it is one massive database that is easy to remember. In the article The Windy City Teams with Microsoft on Cloud Strategy, it states: “As part of a new cloud computing strategy, Mayor Rahm Emanuel today announced that the City of Chicago will move 30,000 employees to Microsoft Office 365 for cloud-based e-mail and productivity.” Search engines and search features on websites are also improving. In the article Facebook search: Facebook adding search feature, It says: “Available as a beta or early version to hundreds of thousands of users now, the new feature -- dubbed "graph search" because Facebook refers to its growing content, data and membership as the "social graph" -- will initially let users browse mainly photographs, people, places and members' interests, he added.”


  1. It looks like the future of the World Wide Web is improving from what I am seeing.

  2. The world wide web and the cloud will be a drastic improvement to many users all around the world. It is interesting watching these new ideas grow so quickly.

  3. I'm really curiosity to see what the future is like in terms of data recollection. When I am 50, in theory, I should be able to search for and read these comments again. That can be very valuable in terms of understanding how society functioned many years later. I think this system of gathering and storing information may just be one of the greatest collaborative efforts that Humans may ever achieve.

  4. Technology is evolving rapidy and I am really curious about what will happen in the future
