Monday, October 7, 2013

Social Media

My social networking sites:

  • Twitter: Nessaj01

 I prefer Twitter because it is quick and easy to post tweets on a hashtag page. I recently discovered Tumblr and I think it looks neat to have one. Recently, Yahoo! bought out Tumblr in the article Yahoo Acquires Tumblr, Promises ‘not to screw it up’, it says: "Per the agreement and our promise not to screw it up, Tumblr will be independently operated as a separate business. David Karp will remain CEO. The product, service and brand will continue to be defined and developed separately with the same Tumblr irreverence, wit, and commitment to empower creators,"

Virtual worlds are online communities in simulated environments that can either be simulators or massively multiplayer online games. Some examples of Virtual worlds are Second Life, Mortal Online and Runescape. You can nearly do anything in virtual worlds, in the article iReport: 'Naughty Auties' battle autism with virtual interaction: it states: “David Savill, 22, lives in Gloucester, England, in real life and created this spot within the virtual world of Second Life. Residents of this digital realm can represent themselves with 3-D images called avatars and connect with each other over the Internet.” I can be anything in a virtual world, some avatars that I go under are various created characters under the name Xronim, ranging from someone who looks like me to an Elven Ranger.


  1. I agree with you but the problem with twitter is it has limited amount of characters for tweets.

  2. I agree with you but the problem with twitter is it has limited amount of characters for tweets.

  3. It's interesting how a lot of people I know like to use twitter. I never found twitter interesting. I've always liked using Facebook as a social networking site.

  4. I too also like that twitter is short and to the point but I like how Facebook is designed for more conversations and to share stories more in depth than the limited characters Twitter allows for.

  5. Twitter is good for communicating with strangers, as you follow them and they don't necessarily have to follow you back but you're still able to speak with them, such as celebrities. Facebook I see more as a tool for talking with friends and seeing what they're up too.
